Before you set up an account
Please answer all questions below to see if this complaint process is right for you.
What was the last day of your employment?
Complaints must be filed within six months of the last day of your employment. In some instances, your last day of work may not be the same as your last day of employment.
Employment is maintained during the following:
- An annual vacation
- A protected leave
- A temporary layoff
If your employment terminated during one of the above, please indicate the date of termination and not the last day you worked.
For more information, please call us toll free at 1-877-427-3731.
Does your complaint concern work located in Alberta?
Have you waited for at least one full pay period to see if your employer has corrected any mistakes?
For the purpose of this complaint, are you self-employed or working as a sub-contractor?
For the purposes of this complaint, are you an amateur athlete?
For the purposes of this complaint, are you a member of a union?
For the purpose of this complaint, are you currently in the process of a court action or a union grievance against your employer?
For the purpose of this complaint, do you have a workplace health and safety (OHS) concern or question, or do you need to file a Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) claim?
For the purpose of this complaint, do you have a concern about workplace harassment or unfair treatment?
For the purpose of this complaint, do you have a concern about workplace privacy issues?
Are you looking for a Record of Employment (ROE) from your employer?
Are you looking for Employment Insurance (EI) payments or T4 slips from your employer?
Do you have questions about your tax deductions?
Do you want to submit a complaint about a raise?
Do you want to submit a complaint for unpaid expenses or allowances?
Are you a family member with a complaint related to your work on a farm or ranch (not including a nursery, greenhouse, mushroom or sod farm)?